Power tripping/ Power Failure Troubleshooting

LS Electrican Services Singapore

Power tripping/ Power Failure Troubleshooting

Distribution boxes are like the safe boxes that protect the wiring of the house. It breaks down the power that flows into the building into smaller circuits to protect the space from short circuits or power imbalances or electrical surges.

Power tripping/ Power Failure Troubleshooting

Electricity has become as important as food these days. And why not? All entertaining things need electricity to function. Whenever there is a power cut, it frustrated us so much that we start getting restless. We count each minute waiting for the power to come back. At times, understanding the power supply cycle or understanding why the power trips is needed so that our frustration does not reach another level.

What We Offer

Voltage Fluctuation

You would have noticed that sometimes your fan runs slow and your lights are dim and some sections of your house don’t have power at all. All this happens because of voltage fluctuations. But sometimes, this can be really bad and then result in complete power failure or power tripping.

Fault in Power Line

MCB tripping problems arise when your power line has some issues. This can cause power tripping or complete power failure in your house. If this problem is persistent, then it is time for you to call a good electrician to get it sorted before things get too bad and messy. An experienced electrician will give you the exact cause of the whole problem and will also make sure that he repairs the power line to avoid further future damages.

Wrong Connection

Sometimes during the initial wiring in the house, there may be some lines that may have connectivity problems. So it is possible that you may face power tripping or power failure problems because of the initial fault in poor wiring. On the contrary, it is also possible that you may also face power issues because of MCB tripping problems. Whatever may be the cause, power tripping or power failure is not a matter to be taken lightly and needs the attention of an electrician as soon as possible.

Power tripping/ Power Failure Troubleshooting
LS Electrican Services Singapore

Extra load on line

 If your MCB experiences any extra load, then there’s nothing that can stop it from tripping. Not just MCB but any other appliance for that matter cannot take more power than its capacity. Therefore if your MCB is facing extra load, then it is best that you reduce the load on MCB by shifting the appliances on some other connection. One may also think that they can increase the size of the MCB but that can’t be possible because this will inturn exert more pressure on the wiring of the house which will heat those wires up. This may be hazardous to the house as a whole. So it’s best to reduce the extra load on MCB for which you will need an experienced electrician. So call us whenever you experience any power tripping issue and be assured about the service.

Short Circuit

 This is the most common reason for tripping of power in your house. Identifying power failure due to short circuit is not a rocket science and you don’t really have to be an expert to understand the same. There are times when your appliance may have some problem due to which you experience a short circuit and hence power trips. But it is not the appliance that triggers shirt circuits always. Sometimes, the wiring is faulty and no matter which appliance you connect, there will still be power tripping or power failure

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Expert troubleshooting for power tripping and failures.

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